This article is about seven random facts about one of the most sought after procedures in the medical industry.
2.In Rome, one of the most popular procedures is scar removal, specifically at the back which were signs of shame if a man turned his back in a battle or if he is whipped like a slave. Rich Romans and foreigners also undergo cosmetic procedures to fit better in to Roman society.
3. The "Father of Modern Plastic Surgery" is Italian Gaspare Tagliacozzi. His book De curtorum chirugiau suggested the need for plastic surgery because of duels and street fights (which were becoming more rampant during the Renaissance period), as well as the outbreak of syphilis which destroyed the nose. His "virtual nose" however could fall off if the patient blew too hard and back then, women with reconstructed noses were not considered desirable.
4.Karl Ferdinand Graefe is the one responsible for the tem "plastic surgery" in his 1818 text Rhinoplastik. He pushed hard to remove the moral disgrace associated with nose surgery by giving it a more sophisticated name—hence rhinoplasty—to make it more similar to other surgical procedures.
5. In 1931, surgeons who served in World War I founded the American Association of Plastic Surgery and helped establish for a standard and regulated plastic surgery. Until now, they are the largest plastic surgery specialty organization in the world. WWII paved way for surgery techniques like rebuilding entire limbs, extensive skin grafts, antibodies and it also ushered in to increase knowledge about tissue health.
6. In 1960's, silicone breast implants grew in popularity. Show girls injected liquid silicone into their breasts; however, it had dangerous side effects which included infection and guaranteed "pendulous" breasts when they reach their 40's.
7. The first modern breast augmentation was performed in Heidelberg, Germany on November 24, 1893 when Vincent Czerny operated on a 41-year-old singer who had a lipoma in her breast removed.
Throughout the century, there have been numerous discoveries and new procedures to cater with the needs and demands of the society. However, cosmetic and plastic surgery is more advanced in modern countries but this does not means that less advanced countries cannot compete with the technology. Cosmetic surgery in the Philippines is a fairly new industry without a comprehensive archive of its history. But through thorough studying and internships abroad, Philippine plastic surgeons have learned the ropes of the trade.
Through time and experience, plastic surgeons in the Philippines are fast becoming the choice of foreigners to have a procedure done. Most are board-certified and can be at par with other doctors around the world. The bottom line here is that, no matter how established plastic and cosmetic surgery are, one thing is for sure, that will keep on developing in the future.